26 janvier 2015

Link with editor

I released a very simple LightTable plugin that highlight in the Workspace view the file currently edited. The sources are available on my GitHub repo.

It has been build upon the mdhaney/lt-plugin-template, with the lein command: lein new lt-plugin link-with-editor.

This template generates the same structure and files than those in the ~.config/LightTable/User directory, which is the default user plugin namespace.

I suggest to symlink the project's directory to the Light Table plugin dir ~/.config/LightTable/plugins/. Thus, by running the commands Plugins: Refresh plugin list then App: reload behaviors, your plugin is available and ready to test inside Light Table.

Then, running Editor: Build file or project recompiles the Javascript file. One can also connect to Light Table UI. Any change made in the source files is taken into account automatically.

Don't forget to open the LT console because all output (via println) are redirected here.

Finally the LT's GitHub is mandatory for discovering useful namespaces, behaviors and commands for your plugin.

Tags: clojureScript plugin lightTable code